Real Medicine Foundation - Initiative "Minhath Montessori Preschool"

Status: Active


The Minhath Montessori Preschool is the first ever preschool for the children of the Tamil/Muslim minority community in Dickwella, Sri Lanka, a region hit hard by the tsunami. The small town of Dickwella in the South of Sri Lanka is a predominately Sinhalese community. Only 5% of the community is comprised of Tamil-speaking Muslims. Of the 78 preschools in the area, only two cater specifically to the Tamil community. Classes at the Minhath Preschool are taught in the native language and children receive instruction in Arabic so they can read the Koran.

The Minhath School is representative of Real Medicine Foundation’s commitment to treating the whole person, physically, mentally, socially and emotionally and has brought hope for the future to the children and their parents of this once forgotten community.

Based on the Montessori Education Model, up to 30 young children benefit from the preschool classes that include academics, art classes, performance events and sports activities. The school also utilizes its space to provide special study group classes for older children to study Mathematics, Science and Information Technology to help them prepare for national exams. The new building constructed by Real Medicine Foundation was officially opened on November 25, 2006.

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