Continuing in our series of “getting to know you” interviews using the Proust interview from Vanity Fair.  Here is a recent interview with Judith Apondi of Sudan, one of of the new teachers at the Juba College of Nursing and Midwifery in Sudan.


Judith Margaret Apondo Apondi

My idea of perfect happiness is when I have a balanced life, one with work, leisure and challenges.

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

My favorite activity outside work is travelling, dancing and sitting with friends.

Who are your heroes?

Elizabeth Ngugi, a nurse who rose from a cleaner to a professor.

What is your favorite or most used website?

I do not have any. I look for what I want in any website.

What is your favorite movie?

I do not have a favorite movie. I just watch what I want and decide to enjoy it.

What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is the initiation and successful running of emergency courses for medical staff in my previous place of work.

What is your favorite music?

My favorite music is Lingala.

Who is your favorite author?

What talent would you most like to have?

I would like to have the ability to possess timeless love

Where would you most like to live?

I would like to live anywhere except and as long as there is no insecurity like war.

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