Doll Making Event at one of JEN’s Evacuation Centers

Approximately 3,777 individuals and 2,330 households, and evacuees at 5 evacuation centers in the Ishinomaki area were reached by our partner Japanese Emergency NGO’s (JEN) activities during this period.

In addition to the continued soup kitchen support, rubble and sludge removal, and other material donations by JEN, there have been some fun entertainment and relaxation activites at the Community Cafe’s that JEN has set up for the residents/evacuees of the Ishinomaki area

・Invited ex-Olympic athlete and a physical therapist to host a stretching class in Kawakita Sougou Centre on 13 June. Evacuees from this centre from young to elderly participated and enjoyed the class.

・Organized a face/ and massage and cosmetic distribution event inviting corporation volunteers in Oshika Community Centre of Oshika Peninsula on 15 June.

・Organized doll-making workshop with 22 primary school students and residents (majorities of them being evacuees) of Higashihama Primary School on 16 June.

・Organized an athletic class at Ishinomaki Kita High School used as an evacuee centre inviting the professional circus members on the 17th June. 43 high school students as well as 14 primary students participated and enjoyed learning juggling, balance, and gymnastics.

・Invited a group of professional hair dressers, massage therapists, and distributed donated cosmetic materials at Kawakita-Cho Nikkori Sun Park and Ooyubi Forestry Livelihood Improvement Centre on 21 June.

Photos below are Copyright of JEN:

Athletic event with professional circus members

Cleaning the graveyard

Debris removal from a greenhouse

Doll-making event at Evacuation Centre

Evacuee watches the relaxation film at Kazuma Community Cafe

Ex-Olympic athlete’s stretch lecture at Evacuation Centre

Meeting of community members at Kazuma Community Cafe

Site assessment for potential community cafe

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