
Shinuhayr Clinic 4th Quarter Report

April 2, 2012

Stella Arzumanyan, Nairy Ghazourian, Arax Eleyjian, Ani Dikranian

Project Goal:

The Shinuhayr Primary Healthcare Clinic is the only comprehensive clinic available in the region servicing its surrounding seven villages with a population of over 6,809.  There is a great need for perinatal, pediatric, cardiovascular, infectious disease, orthopedic, and geriatric services in this region.  Approximately 352 families fall under the ‘socially vulnerable’ category and benefit from the services of RMF’s project. In addition, 256 disabled persons, 524 children ages 0-7 years and 1,382 school children ages 8-17 years, and 52 single mothers benefit from improved healthcare services.

Photo: Patients and family members in the waiting room at the Shinuhayr Primary Clinic

Working closely with our program partner, the Armenian Relief Society (ARS), RMF supports the Shinuhayr Primary Healthcare Clinic to provide the clinic with critical medicine inventories and medical supplies.  This project indirectly impacts all members of the eight communities it serves.  It directly impacts those socially vulnerable individuals, including members of large families, pensioners and children, who present with acute or chronic illnesses during a clinic or house visit.  RMF also provides these patients with free medications and makes sure that patients are followed up on by RMF staff to assure their continuum of care.  Special attention is provided to chronically ill patients with cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes.  These patients are seen every month by our nurses to assess their health status and to ensure medication compliance.  Our long-term goal is to rebuild the Shinuhayr primary care clinic back into a fully functioning hospital and add a community center.

Project Objectives:

  • Provide free medications to all in need, especially to chronically ill patients;
  • Provide prenatal education and vitamins to expectant mothers;
  • Educate parents about the importance of vaccinations and provide free childhood vaccinations;
  • Assess children’s current health status (via registration logs);
  • Promote the RMF ambulance as a tool for the community to facilitate their access to care;
  • Build open communication channels and trust between the community and RMF;
  • Seek funding for renovation and upgrade of the clinic.

Summary of RMF-sponsored activities carried out during the reporting period under each project objective:

  • A total of 201 patients received free medication: some received their monthly medicines and others became first-time beneficiaries of the project;
  • 88 children were vaccinated;
  • 34 house calls were made using the RMF ambulance to visit and treat patients too ill to come to the clinic; the conditions of patients seen included diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, gastroenteritis, asthma, arthritis, hyperpyrexia, paralysis, stroke, and pneumonia.

Results and/or accomplishments achieved during this reporting period:

  • 28 births and 6 deaths were registered in the eight communities;
  • 88 children vaccinated;
  • 34 home visits done;
  • 201 patients provided with free medications;
  • Thanks to great supporters and generous donors, our holiday PLAY TO GIVE fundraiser on, which started on Thanksgiving Day and ended on December 31st, raised $2,500 that will go towards the continuation of the provision of free medication to our beneficiaries.

Number served/number of direct project beneficiaries:

The total number of direct project beneficiaries that received free medications during this time period was 201: specifically, 78 from Shinuhayr; 18 from Khot; 11 from Halidzor; 32 from Tatev; 30 from Svarants; 16 from Tandzatap; and, 16 from Harzhis.  Of the total, 70 were male, 85 female and 46 were children.

RMF-sponsored medical supply distribution and use:

During this time period, a total of 201 patients – of which 35% were adult males, 42% adult females and 23% children – received free medications.  A total of 359 units of medicines were dispensed: 40% for cardiovascular health; 29% for musculoskeletal/arthritic issues; 8% for gastrointestinal conditions; 5% were antibiotics; 4% or less of each category of medicine for respiratory health, endocrine system, neuro-psychiatric health, supplements, supplies, contraception, and genitourinary health.

Success/Patient Stories:


Several months ago during a vaccination day in the Shinuhayr clinic, a nervous 35-year old mother brought her twin baby boys for an examination. The doctor confirmed the mother’s concerns that the babies were underweight. After some probing, the mother, Asya Mangasaryan, explained her family’s dire situation. She and her 37-year old husband Ashot were both unemployed. Due to her own health problems and undernourishment, Asya was unable to breastfeed her twin babies. About 11 years ago, she had intestinal problems which led to a surgical removal of 1.5 meters of her intestine. About 10 years ago, she broke the bones in the fingers of one of her hands which went untreated and is now debilitated.                                 



Photos: Asya Mangasaryan with her twins and family received 2-month supply of food

Furthermore, with the birth of her twins, she lost her reproductive organs and now suffers from hemorrhoids. Finding nutritional alternatives for the twins is a challenge, as the only livestock the family owns is a goat, which produces a small quantity of milk. Artificial baby foods, while available, are expensive costing about US$80 per month. RMF visited the family’s home and discovered that feeding the twins is not the parents’ only concern. Asya and Ashot also have two daughters, 8 and 12 years old, and food is scarce for everyone. RMF provided the family with a 2-month supply of staple goods and continues to follow their situation.


30-year old Anna Hambardzumyan is a member of a family of five that includes her father-in-law and two children. As a socially disadvantaged family, they receive approximately US$175 per month from the government, which hardly covers the essentials of day-to-day living. Anna needed medication for her high blood pressure but was ashamed to ask for RMF’s help since her father-in-law already receives free medicine as an RMF project beneficiary. After explaining that RMF’s assistance is not limited to only one member of a family, she gratefully accepted the necessary medication from RMF staff.


 Photo: Anna Hambardzumyan

On December 13th, a group of specialists from the city of Sisian in southern Armenia visited the Shinuhayr clinic to see patients from the nearby villages.  The clinic was open for 12 hours on that day to accommodate the 150 patients who visited. RMF provided those who needed assistance free medication as prescribed by the doctors.

Here is a follow-up on two stories which were reported previously.

Several months ago, the dedicated and sole nurse of Svarants village, Astghik Grigoryan, fell ill and was diagnosed with several conditions. RMF took on the responsibility of her care. Although she has one more month of treatment and is still under medical supervision, we are happy to report that she has returned to work.

Mariam Tevosyan’s case of corrective surgery for her spinal deformity is pending further medical evaluation. However, RMF continues to follow Mariam and ensures that her periodic check-ups and corset adjustments are completed.

Country Page: Armenia Initiative Page: Healthcare Project, Shinuhayr