Real Medicine Foundation - Initiative "RMF UNICEF Malnutrition Treatment and Prevention Program Jonglei State"

Status: Active


RMF has partnered with UNICEF to bring our expertise in Malnutrition Treatment, Education and Outreach into one of the hardest hit areas of South Sudan, Jonglei State. The proposed nutrition scaling up project is designed to ensure that all children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) are reached with a package of integrated nutrition services in the counties of Jonglei State assigned to RMF by UNICEF: Nyirol, Pibor, Ayod, and Fangak.

The RMF services will serve a total population at 240,000, reaching 45,000 children and benefitting an estimated 7,214 total SAM Children (6-59 months of age) and at least 60% of Pregnant & Lactating Women (including IDPs and host communities) in each targeted county.

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